In short

To stimulate the public-private community at the heart and the interfaces of plant biology

PlantAlliance aims to stimulate the public-private scientific community and thus R&D programs at the heart of genetics, genomics ans plant biology, and at interfaces in particular with the plants protection and nutrition, agronmy and gropping systems or digital and agricultural equipment.

In order to do this, PlantAlliance implements, in consultation with its members and in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, scientific workshops on themes identified as priorities for the interest of its community. These days can bring together the best French experts in the field, draw up a state of the art of the research issues of French teams, and bring out priority research axes of shared interest for the members of PlantAlliance. 

In collaboration with the Biocontrôle consortium and the GIS Grandes Cultures à Hautes Performances Economiques et Environnementales (GC HP2E), PlantAlliance also co-leads interdisciplinary working groups to explore the interfaces of plant biology with other components of plant production.

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