Who are we?

PlantAlliance consortium

Plants for tomorrow's agricultures

A vision and co-constructed and shared objectives

Public and private PlantAlliance members are joining forces around a R&D program focused on genetics, genomics and plant biology contribution for designing innovative agroecological cropping systems, in order to meet the three following priority challenges:  

  • To massively reduce the use of pesticides and other synthetic inputs
  • To improve crop resilience to extreme weather events and climate change
  • To provide diverses ecosystem services

PlantAlliance aims in fine to offering species and varieties of plants that meet sustainable agriculture challenges and that are adapted to a diversity of cropping systems and production methods.

Actions at the heart and at the interfaces of plant biology

PlantAlliance consortium will boost the advancement and knowledge sharing of its members to promote creation of varieties, cultived alone or in mixtures, and their insertion and adaptation to innovative cropping systems (e.g., which can use cutlery and / or associations or even mobilize digital technologies and agricultural equipment). Tomorrow's agricultures need to be supported by innovative designs and uses of genetics. This involves relying on genes and plant genomes knowledge, as well as on the plasticity of their responses to biotic and abiotic environment constraints, to cultural practices, as well as on the most recent developments in the fields of plants phenotyping, characterization of biotic and abiotic environments, integration and exploitation of massive data. This mobilization of genetics will have to be done in close consultation and co-construction with other communities of plant production.

PlantAlliance missions are structured around the three following axes:

  • To stimulate the public-private scientific community and set off R&D programs at the heart of genetics, genomics and plant science as well as at the interfaces, in particular with plant nutrition and protection, biocontrol, agronomy and cropping systems or digital and agri-equipments ; 
  • To fund pre-competitive research projects and support training through research ;
  • To carry collective scientific positions and to be a relevant contact point for stakeholders at national and European levels.

PlantAlliance will lean on regular consultation and active collaborations with R&D communities of biocontrol and biostimulation sectors (e. g.: Biocontrôle Consortium), agronomy and cropping systems (e. g.: GIS Grandes Cultures à Hautes Performances Économiques et Environnementales, GIS GC HP2E), or of digital and agro-equipment.

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